Agona Center of Wellness in White Oak - Massage Session & Consultation

Voucher valid for (1) Hydro-Massage Bed and Chair Massage Session with a Chiropractic Consultation only.
Promotional value expires (1) year from purchase date.

  • marker 1802 Lincoln Way
    White Oak, PA, 15131

    compass Directions

badge-deal Your Price: $39.00
  • Retail Value: $78.00
  • Savings: $39.00

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Available as a paper gift certificate.


Try any water massage bed, and it will likely feel good. Try HydroMassage, and you’ll immediately understand the difference.  It also has a unique, open design for comfort and an "all sides of the body" massage. You don't have to get undressed. You can enjoy your massage fully clothed and comfortable.  

The Novo Massage Chair is the leader of high-performance massage chairs, taking you to ergonomic zero gravity, and targeted massage that rejuvenates the mind and body. With a mission to help people feel better each and every day. The Novo Massage Chair allows customization of both massage technology and ergonomic settings for your own perfect experience, every single time!

Your chiropractic consultation will help identify any issues causing you pain and discomfort.  A treatment plan can then be established if needed. 


Monday: 9am-1pm
Tuesday: 2:30pn - 6:30pm
Wednesday: 9am-12pm & 3pm - 7pm
Thursday: 2:30pn - 6:30pm
Friday: 9am - 1pm

Massage Session & Consultation - Agona Center of Wellness in White Oak

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