Carson's Tavern in Scottsdale - $50 Voucher


Voucher valid for food and drinks at Carson's Tavern. Not valid with birthday club. May not be used in combination with any other deals, discounts, or promotions.

  • marker 10 South Broadway
    Scottdale, PA, 15683

    compass Directions

badge-deal Your Price: $25.00
  • Retail Value: $50.00
  • Savings: $25.00

Available for instant redemption on your mobile device.


Available as a paper gift certificate.


Featuring Sunday Brunch and our Seafood & Italian buffets the first weekend of every month!


Carson’s Tavern has been a premier dining location in Scottdale, PA since 1982. Featuring a full menu along with our award-winning buffets. At Carson’s Tavern, you will find that excellent food meets excellent service, thanks to our top-notch chefs and wait staff.

$50 Voucher - Carson's Tavern in Scottsdale

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