Carson's Tavern in Scottsdale - $50 Voucher
Voucher valid for food and drinks at Carson's Tavern. Not valid with birthday club. May not be used in combination with any other deals, discounts, or promotions.
10 South Broadway
Scottdale, PA, 15683
- Retail Value: $50.00
- Savings: $25.00
Available for instant redemption on your mobile device.
Available as a paper gift certificate.
Featuring Sunday Brunch and our Seafood & Italian buffets the first weekend of every month!
Carson’s Tavern has been a premier dining location in Scottdale, PA since 1982. Featuring a full menu along with our award-winning buffets. At Carson’s Tavern, you will find that excellent food meets excellent service, thanks to our top-notch chefs and wait staff.